Jesus Christ the final truth

John 1:1-5; 14:6; 8:12.

Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the only begotten of the Father (God), the express image of His person, the incarnate of the Father. Jesus Christ is the embodiment of truth and His name is truth, in Him was the entire human race redeemed and outside Him there is no redemption of mankind (salvation and deliverance), Jesus Christ was in the beginning with the Father, He was the truth that was in the beginning with the Father and all things were made through Him. He is the head of principalities and powers and His kingdom and dominion rule over all known kingdoms in this world (that is, the cosmos).

Those who don’t know this truth, that is, Jesus Christ are forever lost and will not escape the wrath of God that is to come at the end of the age. Without Him you cannot have the true life you were supposed to be having, that is, the eternal life that comes from the Father through the Son. John 3:15-17.

Jesus Christ is the final truth. The truth in Christ Jesus is much more real than what you have in the social medias and entertainment industries. He is more real and truthful than the government of our day. Come to Him today! Like the way He called blind Bartimaeus ‘He is calling you,’ Mark 10:46-52. Repent from every addiction and deception you’re in right now and accept Jesus Christ as your Saviour and Lord and watch God change things for the better.

There is no truth in Nigerian Idol, Big Brother Niger, Pornography, Illuminati, Online, Wizardry, Witchcraft, Pilfering and Phishing and all form of scam. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. Most ultimately He is the final truth.

He cares about the sinners and He does not want them to continue in their sins. He condemns no man.

How He longs to hold you by His side and loved to call you His own and His beloved.

There is no truth in the life of the devil, he deceives people even from Genesis. Don’t follow him any longer rather quit him.


Father in the name of Jesus touch the heart of the reader and make him or her live for You daily. Amen.

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God bless you.

Published by Itota O. Samson

My name is Itota O. Samson a gentle young man, who is very industrious and taught of the things of God and a lover of all people. I preach and teach the word of God at The Lord's Freedman Ministry TLFM), A Web Designer & Developer, Database Administrator, ICT Expert, Public Administrator, Writer. Marital status: Single A citizen of Nigeria, born an brought here. Currently residing in Edo State, Nigeria.

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